Uhhh... hi! I saw your post in the general thread for Flight Rising and my sister told me that it'd be best to give a response through messages on your profile.
Fire Flighter here! I think Fire is pretty cool, even if our element belies that fact =u=
I do like it in Fire, but the forums are agonizingly slow (I transferred from SHADOW, which has humongous in-flight forums, so the difference is still a little jarring to me even after so long). Everyone I have talked to in-flight has been really nice, and I'd say we're all pretty chill. I became interested in Dom after I transferred to Fire, too (until then I had never been interested in helping out, but now I do put forth at least a bit of effort every time we push hahah).
I don't know anything about general age range, but... yeah, that's my input! I'm sure others will have better responses than me though lol;;