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  • Haha thank u, I never get to be just "Zane" on sites so it's hard to give it up. Jigglypuff is a pretty gucci user though. Zane is just like.. my name LOL so it's not very creative, I wanted to use it once I saw no one else had it. I actually joined this site as "Pumpki" because I wasn't planning on using it anymore after I bought a striped wetsuit.
    anyway How are you this morning? If it's morning for u. B>
    I'm actually depressed this week but I'm going it at slowly to get better but today I'm gonna get me a new kitten today :)
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Martin and I just celebrated our 20th O__O Lol! Where does the time go? And Hazel was the last Misfit to fit into place :) Coco, Hazel, Daisy, Julian, Shep, Benedict, Cousteau, Naomi, Rod and Octavian! My Misfits.
    Hi sweetie! I am okay :) I had a tough day with my mother. She has good days and bad days, and today she couldn't really remember anything and that is very stressful for her. But after I getting her settled in, I have been playing AC non-stop, lol. It is an excellent stress reliever. I finished moving my final villager into my newest own, Misfit, and it left me feeling very happy and contented. How are you? Any weekend plans?
    Hey! I've been okay. Sorry I didn't reply right away, I was in New York City so I wasn't on the forums for a couple days. How are you?
    Older Kanye is really good, same with older Jay-z. My friends hate me for it but I don't like their newer stuff so much. T_T But maybe it's also because my brain is still in the 90s or something?? ehahaha yeah I'm hoping for a miracle where Biskit will just appear to me in the campsite XD What's your new town like? What villagers did you get?
    well then welcome back :lemon: huhu i do have a couple things but i've been too lazy to post anything recently. uvu maybe i will later. Ooh so that's just something you came up with? Nice I like it. B> I thought of changing mine to "Jigglypuff" just because it wasn't taken but I could never commit to it lolol
    aww rip cake </3 at least it seems like the price for them has gone down so maybe you could get it again someday.
    Yeah everyone survived >: D I'm actually not that worried if anyone moves out, it's just that their houses are in such perfect locations and my town is currently built around them, that it would just be annoying to plot reset a new villager to the exact spot ~_~ AND I'm still looking for Biskit.. haha.

    Hahaha omg I love that song!!! Man music videos back then were awesome. I was just talking about this with my room mate on the way home. This is my jam right now hahaha:

    Your back <3
    I was worried about you and then I stared reading and notice you change your name
    You haven't talk with me in a while
    Hi Peony! I just got back yesterday! I wrote a long thread about it. My mother suffers from dementia and I am her caregiver. It has been a long few months of tough times and I haven't had a minute to be here. But things are getting a bit easier, so I am back for now. How are you, sweetie? HUGS!
    Yup! I don't think that's the exact recipe I use, but it looks pretty close! It's great as a substitute for any sort of pasta, pizza, and anything you'd use tomato sauce for.

    And no problem! XD I was just randomly scrolling through and found you ended up asking me, so I thought I might as well shoot you a VM.
    indeed!! are you back from your hiatus?? B] i'm really gr8 this afternoon, what about u? and congrats on the username change!
    Hey!! I just seen your post asking where I buy the fuax-mato marinara sauce. Sorry for the late response xD
    And I don't buy it, I usually make it. If you look up 'faux-mato marinara sauce recipes', you can find quite a few online; it isn't that hard to make either! I usually eat it instead of regular tomato sauce since I'm sensitive to almost everything in the nightshade family, and the ingredients for it don't bother me.
    I thought about it, but I JUST made a new town like a few months ago and it looks pretty good so far... and I'm not sure I want to delete the first town I ever made T.T I think so I'll just try and play day by day in my 2nd town. haha I knowww I'm kind of obsessed with time travelling. right now I'm doing like a whole flower breeding operation. but I haven't been able to play much lately. isabelle told me she hasn't seen me in over a week T_T i was so scared someone was going to move out.
    Sort of! I have been working really long days recently so not really played either of my towns. Why?
    It's fine ;v; if you want, there is a 'search' near the forum button, you can type in a users name and find them through there ^^ I'll friend you in a mo!

    I'm in nature, it's quite nice c: have you made your progen yet? (first dragon ever)
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