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  • lore is completely optional, it's like writing a story about your clan and how your dragons came to be! your progens can be a part of that, like the "mother and father" of the clan. i don't really write lore, but plenty of users on FR do, and your flight usually has to do with the lore. what do your progens look like? some people prefer to keep their progens for lore but it's definitely not a bad thing to exalt them!
    yep back to work. we got a flood of orders when I got back so it's been really busy!!! aww sorry about work but yay about your anniversary!

    it doesn't normally get cold, sometimes it'll get chilly in the morning when there's no sun but right now it's unbearably hot. I went to northern thailand while I was there which is up in the mountains so it was pretty cold... but I loved it!!! I missed fall weather (maybe not winter) so it was nice to throw on a sweater at night and feel the breeze :D I can imagine how cold it is there! sometimes I forget there's winter in other parts of the world lol.
    it's actually really bright!! and super pigmented :D it's cute :)
    haha yeah I did! I'm still in holiday mode T_T how have you been?
    no problem :) have you picked your progen yet? it's not a huge deal because you can still get dragons from other users and breed your own, you can also get rid of them if you don't like them ^^
    HEY!! I just got back from Thailand. Your package arrived too! Thanks so much ahah I love it! I'm going to use the note book to write/practice writing Malay haha (I needed a new one!) Thanks for the lipbalm too! It's a crazy colour that I've never worn before but I'll try and rock it :p Thanks so much again <3 I'm going to send out the postcards tomorrow probably!!!
    I love practical gifts! my room mate only likes sentimental stuff so it's so hard to shop for him :< I got gift vouchers to kinokuniya, my favourite bookstore... and a ceramic knife!!! It's 4am and I'm off to the airport finally!
    My dad got me the new 3ds xl for christmas. tbh I almost cried I was so excited and shocked, since it was way above their budget.
    Oh nice!!!! That's sweet :3 did you get anything cool? Haha when I posted it I was like wait... Are people going to want to give out their addresses to me? Lol. I'm sending it out this Monday hopefully! I've been packing slowly... our laundry machine broke so I need to take dirty clothes to Cambodia just so I can wash them at my parents house hahaha.
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