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  • I'm not a fan of pizza. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. I do like pizza rolls though, ironically.
    ah o: is it turning bad (or something, can't think of a proper word)?
    really I just kinda forgot lol :)
    It's not that; money's tight, is all. Especially since the only kind I'd be willing to have is a smartphone. (The keyboard on others is too difficult for me to use.)
    Yeah but my my threat will be call "fools, take or give" if I actually do it jajaja but thank you you actually made me to do it one day
    That sound good right? I get idea but I don't like to choose myself without someone helping me
    Well sort off because now I gotta find someone who has new leaf and it's willing to do it or just buy it from the gamestop.... And all my money are for my classes of sweets I'm taking but it does sound good now should I sell or give away? The animals when they move
    Well I'm always gonna change it to April fool to get the pictures so yeah I can do it but mine it's gotta be with patient because I have to get all the pictures and then replaces them and yeah once I'm finish on getting all the pictures well im gonna sell it to one of my friends if they want one but for the moment il use it as my second town to have all penguins except Aurora she goes to my main town and lol don't worry I'm relaxing still on my bed but in my house
    Hooray! Probably won't get a phone for Christmas, but if I do, then all the better! (But I probably won't. It'd be a dream if I did though.)
    Naw, it's good. Everybody and their mum has a phone these days. If I ever get a camera I'll show it to you though!~
    Should I get me another animal crossing new leaf game but not to have another town it's to have a cycling town call
    "Picville" to have 10 animals and get the pictures and then give them away or sell them here and continue like that until I get every animals picture and also to get animals that the other person doesn't want and nobody wants
    So what do you think?
    It actually turned out very nicely (the sketch, anyways; I have to ink and color it still), so I'm sad you can't see it.
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