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  • To be honest J-rock isn't that good anyway. I mean I thought it was good when I was into it, but all the bands started looking and sounding the same around the time I started to phase it out. There's only one band I still listen to sometimes, and even that's rarely.

    Aside from k-pop I really love p!nk and I'm also a huge Ed Sheeran fan. I couldn't get tickets to a concert he was doing here earlier this year and I just kind of cried in my room. I'm so mature lol
    It was all mostly by chance, really. Waaaay back in the day I used to listen to j-rock and at the time I always heard stuff about that fandom kind of colliding and being 'rivals' in a way to k-pop (idk, i still don't get it, but yeah.) I saw some videos on youtube on the sidebar on a video I was watching and I decided to watch it and it turned out to be this k-pop group. I thought it was kind of odd at the time so I just went back to listening to what I had been. Then a year or so later, I kept hearing about SHINee all over tumblr (even J-rock fans were excitedly posting about this song. I guess it was good enough to put the rivalry aside haha) so I decided to listen to the song everyone was talking about and I was kind of hooked from there. I don't listen to a lot of k-pop, I listen to a variety of things but I still have groups that I'm attached to.
    He's from Infinite, his name is Sungjong. They've been around about 5 years so they're not a super new group.
    Haha it's fine dude I'm sure I'll like it :) I'm a really easy person to please actually Hahahaha. I hope you don't think my gift is too lame or childish :<
    Oh yeah I'm fine now just resting in my bed while each night my mom put a medicine cream on my scratches so it won't cause me migraine but thank you for caring a lot about me
    and coincidentally i was just about to dump some stuff lol did you see me viewing my thread ;>
    LOLL whoops!! ;] but omg yay i'm excited for u, hopefully you'll have an easier time learning pen control than I did. @.@
    & the nib is the end of the pen, it wears out after awhile so you have to replace it which is one of the only downsides of owning a tablet. Nibs can get pretty expensive. Watching people use SAI is mystifying, they make it look easy. ;-;
    Aww it's really no trouble!! you're too kind (/ v\) but i appreciate that <3
    That one looks pretty similar to mine, it even comes with 3 extra nibs. :0 They're advertising it as a 'beginner tablet' so it might be what you're looking for. I actually still use the ArtRage Studio I got for free with my tablet T_T lmao more advanced programs confuse me.. That tablet you linked me comes with a version of ArtRage called ArtRage Lite which I'm not sure how it's different from the version I have, but in ArtRage Studio at least there's a tool for watercolors. Ofc it doesn't look exactly like real watercolors but it can look pretty good if u got the skills
    but omg yes the ease of erasing/redoing is an ENORMOUS plus with digital art. I was drawing something traditionally yesterday and got reminded of how hard it is to actually erase pencil lines x_x and it's no problem haha!! I'm flattered that you would ask me :'3 You'll blow past me in no time !!
    Aww what do u mean that's cute !!!! i cant imagine drawing with my finger that would be way too hard lol
    Wacom is definitely what I would recommend for a drawing tablet, this is the one I have : http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00EN27TCI?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00 It's actually supposed to be 50-80$, those are third party seller prices rn. That's like the cheapest one that looked good, I was gonna splurge on the 200$ one but I decided since I was a noob I'd start small. I think most tablets will come with some free programs (if they do it'll mention it on the box/in the product description page) that you can download, mine came with ArtRage and something else I forget what it was. The free programs are nice but they're pretty basic compared to stuff like Photoshop. But if you have a PC you can get Paint Tool SAI which is suppose to be hella rad.

    And I'm so sorry I forgot to reply to your VM again!! aaaaaa OTL I hope you've been well too!!
    Np!!! Hahaha that's the only thing that's not original about her! I ignored her since she moved in lmao so her house is the same :) thanks again for Skye!! :D
    Yea I'm about to go into next day but I'm afraid Skye will move in too so im gonna start a new character and check for plots first ! So might just take a couple mins before you can come get pashmina :( I'll be as quick as possible though!
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