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  • MY LUV! yes and no :( i'm so busy with work that i don't think i'll be able to participate as much as last year (i say that now but i bet i'll find a way hahaha) but i haven't been playing much acnl or hhd lately so my chances of doing ok in anything are probably slim BUT IT'S ABOUT TAKING PART RIGHT! are you excited?? it's nice to have you back for it
    and I could see that last emoji!! >:D and all the other ones you put on ur own wall, although some of them are holding boxes hahah

    ily ! and it took a long time to write this because my cat was flopping all over my hands and keyboard the whole time ! ( ` ω ´ )
    girl I keep telling u that you deserve all the good things !! I won't stop telling you either. >:3c and dw about it I have less than 0 idea how to express feelings normally either, but I try

    Personally I think u are pretty good at it, always have me like (*/▽\*) hahah but seriously though yw, it ain't no thing ❤

    ps I think I will do that next time lool be like nobody's home!!!!

    and Ultra Moon is umm idk there's not much info out on it yet but it's either kind of like a sequel to Sun/Moon or maybe more like the infamous enhanced 3rd version (like Emerald was to Ruby/Sapphire or Platinum to Diamond/Pearl). All I really know about it is it has new clothes loool and that the two legendaries have new formes where they wear armor for some reason?
    also!! here u go this artist (this person) was making these cute blinking chibis & I snagged u one

    Oh maaan I really liked Moon the first time but yeah one thing I definitely noticed is it has like absolutely no replay value. I bought a used copy of Sun to do trades with myself (then hung onto it so I could get duplicates of events ahaha I'll sell it eventually.. rip) and ploughing through the story mode a second time was so tedious. Wait for Ultra Moon!!

    Awhh I'm really not, it's the least I can do. I hope you're feeling a little better ♡ ♡ after all the sleeping bahahah I just got through another marathon of that myself, wasn't my fault this time though my sister was over again and woke me up, then kept me up.. didn't seem to care about it either so I was salty for the rest of the day! Finally slept tho so now I'm gucci again

    ╭[ ᴼᴼ ౪ ᴼᴼ]╮ this is the freaky good morning emoji, hoping u have a lovely morning !

    (I can't see that other one u posted either it has boxes for a face too /dead)
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