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  • owo thank omg

    same but im always scared im gonna accidentally "steal" something so i never actually use them D:
    u too oo o btw big hugs
    Think I've replied to everyone now! Will try to be better in the future... ! Orz
    fb quality squashed your ghost picnic this is what it rly looks like
    Well, ended up taking a trip to the hippieshop here and bought those felt hair ties, pretty much the same price and as long as I don't grease them down they will last I guess.. not a fan of felt but whatever, cheaper than USPS shipping lmango. And bought a wooden bracelet thing because they don't take cards under a certain amount so yea, but it looks cool :D

    Saw they had patchwork pants similar to my shirts as well, totes buying once I get dosh!
    ღ꒡ ᴈ꒡)♡
    hello bbu ! omg my nephews were here all day I'm worn out (the older one figured out how to use youtube on my wii u so now i have to keep watching "annoying orange" and pretending to find it funny AAAAAH!! lmao), I see some notifications from u so I'ma reply soon I just have to nap for a millennium X> missed u yesterday, I hope you had a good day today !!! here is another lucky kirby to bring good sleep ☆

    I saw that you were looking to buy more FR treasure, can I sell you 80k for 200 tbt?
    omg hiii ily!! (´•ω•`♥) u are too good to me i cry.. everyone who knows you should count themselves #blessed !!!!! ; o;

    ty, I finally found the advil the other night but it only took away enough of the throbbing so I could walk around, I remember now this is why I stopped taking them before they didn't really do much lol maybe I'll get real next time and take two. ;/
    and I'm not the only who's hard on myself!! saying u suck... shush girl u the best ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ as for my chibi idk I'm having a hard time getting back to the grind, I can't draw anything I like bleeeh and I can't take my own advice that I always give to other artists to not give up hahah I just keep junking everything!! I'll find the rhythm eventually but for now it's just eugh.

    hope you had a nice weekend bby! is it football season yet? /doesn't know anything about sports
    ahhsorry! ;; i cant afford the peaches anymore now.. ill likely ask again for them once i get back tbt, but you dont have to put any on hold for me^^
    oooo my day was ok!! sadly my pc is dead so sorry for the slow replies ;;
    my avi is a little pixel thing i made! i think i posted it on my art thread if u wanna see the whole thing, i don't have access to it rn though :0
    i've been experimenting with style lately so that was one of the products!
    btw ur avi is always aesthetically wonderful?? idk how you find such purty things but i'm jelly
    WHOA I think I've caught up now... apologies for my little dissociation, friends... ;_;
    Yay I can't wait! I'm kinda slow because I don't want to finish it too quickly lol~ Going to watch sense8 after probably. I'm so glad my mom got the shared netflix and that it works here lmao.
    Same! Me and mom always misplace them so we always have to buy new lele. Oh well if I get some with flowers I'll make sure to keep them in place!
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