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  • haha, sorta! we have to travel by train to get to a lot of places but you can't get literally anywhere by train, sadly. france is one place but i've never been weirdly. i have been to america with my mother which I mentioned earlier which was a lot of fun, so that wasn't a solo trip. actually travelling though... not really. we've gone tons of places but i dunno if i'd call it travelling. it's just standard day out type fun. how about you?
    I just realised I posted on my own profile... hahahah but yeah, they're legit names man XD i'm going to bed now! hopefully you can tell me about your new map when I wake up ehehh <3
    Yeah it's so cute :3 you can run around in the Halloween ghost mask too omg :'D forest is cute and simple!! I don't think it's basic at all. My name Tinytree is pretty simple too ^^' (at one point I was just going to call it tree LOl)
    Yayyyy good luck!!! And remember.. Patterns ALL AROUND THE HOUSE XD freaking pecan.. I love her so we'll just have to be the closest neighbors ever :'D will you be looking for a similar map to the last or whatever inspires you? :>
    definitely! my town is super behind the times too so it'd be nice experience more modern places out there. but I love rustic, rural areas too! there's much to see. B)
    ya it is :( getting your own place in england is definitely a chore but I've gotta move away from home someday! I like my house but don't wanna be too old and still be living with my parents
    I won't be going to uni so that's not a worry. I mean when I move completely away from home. most people have to rent with someone else because it's expensive to live by yourself somewhere. :(
    I don't even know him but some anonymous gif posts are ok once in a while as long as he doesn't get around. Can't have a dirty VM section.
    I can handle the cold for the most, it's humid weather that I really can't handle :( it's so awful... I love summer but I'm not excited for the return of humidity here. UGH

    I see, it's good that you wanna stick around with your family for the time being. I've still got a bit of time before I can actually move away... not entirely looking forward to the whole process but hopefully it'll be nice if I can rent with someone I know well rather than a stranger.
    yo that sounds like a dream... I'd really like to live in Canada or somewhere near it. Minnesota sounds cool! have you lived there your whole life or moved from state to state? I've lived in exactly the same town for my entire life so it gets a big old :x
    It is not worth it to argue with someone who still collects their Happy Meal toys, so I just move along.
    I have to keep in mind some people here are 11 and still in car seats so I just have to chill.
    Yeah most people are nice. I only say something when I sense rude undertones in comments. LIke the yoohoo that says my comment isn't funny when I'm not trying to even be funny, etc.
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