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  • <3333 cute! I'd be so tempted to stick that all over my ds :O ahh well I have to go to work now. ttyl <3 have a great night!
    :'DDDD at least they are collectibles! I would probably buy them if they were available here, just to collect them u_u ahha i'm glad you like my posts! at least someone reads them :'D everyone is making really great progress so I need to really play catch up one weekend too ._.
    LOL I know right? Playing is okay to me since I basically play for 30 min before bed...but why did I decide to blog this hahaha. I should have stuck to a simpler format but now I want to continue how I've always been blogging or it wont look right u_u; ahaha oh yeah u have all the sanrios! you didn't buy any returning GC villager cards right? I still want to buy Happy Home Academy u_u I need to wait until next month because I'm low on monies.
    hahahaha :'D no worries man. ultimately you gotta enjoy it otherwise there's no point in playing. I'll probably take a hiatus from the challenge during a busy time at work (there's a lot this month :O)but whether or not I'll TT all those days idk yet... maybe I'll just skip them and see how badly my town is ruined :'D
    yeahh that's what I figured :'D I ran around town the other night though and the flowers made everything look too "pretty".. DIE TREES ALREADY!
    ahah yeah 1/11 challenge would be fine! Unless you want to TT from 1/1 (I would do that LOL) because I'm so impatient with the unlockable shops u_u I only just got kicks and Cyrus still hasn't woken up from his damn coma! But don't push yourself if you can't make the challenge! I feel myself lagging behind all the time ahaha... I already broke one rule cos I had to TT last night otherwise I would have missed a day U_U

    I do love my pink villagers though. Renee the rhino is awesome lmaooo and Cookie is so adorable. The only one I don't like is Gala because her house is in front of my path :<
    I've never really been much of a tv person sadly :( I used to watch it a ton as a kid but since the internet has come around I mostly just watch stuff on YouTube and that's it. I've gone STALE.
    XDDD NOOOO its filters I swear

    ahah yeah that's the reason why I TT and plot reset in my previous games... little things like that irk me too :( at leasttttt in this new map I put patterns around my house so they wouldnt plot there, but the plots they did choose were not great either :'D like all the bright pink houses (i have a lot of pink villagers for some reason) put their house in my foresty area.. :( it just doesn't look right.
    I think so! I never got around to watching it though :( doesn't really interest me hugely but then again not much tv does recently
    aww i hope it's not driving you too crazy :((

    help im obsessed with FR now a a a a a
    nah you're not alone! I definitely think it's an incredible series but I totally get it if you're not a fan B) there was a spinoff for it recently I believe called Better Call Saul... I wonder if maybe you'd enjoy that more
    Ahh thank you so much for your kind words! :blush: Feel free to hit me up any time to Wi-Fi ^-^
    hahahaha you're talking like i'm some fashionista and not just a lazy uninspired slob. today i'm wearing black jeans and a black jumper, so chic ;)! teach me how to wear colour please~~~~~ (i think all black suits my personality LOL)
    ya I don't think I'll be watching. did you ever catch Breaking Bad? I adored that series.
    hopefully you find a way to stick with your town though! is it realllly bad? you want me to visit and see if i can give some advice?
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