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  • BUY IT! It's really a great resource. Aaaand I finally got a notification for this VM so I'm hoping the issue resolved itself. Stupid vBulletin...

    Radioactive minerals are technically "safe" to hold, it's just always good practice to wash your hands after the fact and take care not to inhale any particles from the specimen. I'd also definitely keep it in a display case... or maybe not due to the off chance I'm turned into a superhero from sleeping in close proximity to some cuprosklodowskite. XD

    Thanks for the link! I'm always down to look through some pretty rock photos. Let me just wipe up this drool real quick...
    I accidentally sent over my regular easter egg, can I have it back pls!
    it's alright :'D coming home is nice for a while but after a few days it's just stressful and i'm constantly reminded of how much **** my family is going through u_u I feel bad for leaving tomorrow. How's your NYE so far? It's 2 hours to go here and the terrible karaoke has started outside :'(

    Cuprosklodowskite is SO COOL, and one of the most intriguing factors is that it's made from uranium and highly radioactive... which makes it super hard to find and also pretty pricey. The LA natural history museum had a specimen and I stood there taking photos of it for so long that I started getting weird looks from people... haha. And no, I don't have anything that I found as a child, though I wish I did! None of it was probably that cool but it definitely seemed it at the time! I'm super jealous of your rock border, man. Maybe something like that would have kept me busy and out of trouble. :D
    (too long again)

    Okay, for some reason I'm not getting notifications for your VMs! I promise I wasn't ignoring you and will make sure to check my profile more often when having a conversation like this. -_-

    You should definitely check out this book if you want to learn more. I've had it for years and it's an awesome resource... highly recommended.
    omg I accidently sent tbt to you (1434 tbt)
    So sorry I got the wrong person. Would you send it back when you have the chance? I'm so sorry!
    Aww... TT~TT I'm sorry dear! Let me know when you want to talk about it ok? :hug: <3
    Right? Those ones are great! <3

    Umm I am free now, but I don't know how long I will be free so I can't promise I will be able to talk for too long. I'd love to hear about it! <3
    I got Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. I also got Kiki's Delivery Service, but I already had that one so I will exchange it for Howl's Moving Castle later. The illustrated versions are brand new! ^-^ They are releasing one per year, so only the first 2 are out. They are so beautiful... ^-^

    Hmm... I'd be interested in details... Are you able to PalPad right now? ^-^ Yeah my Cosmog hasn't even hatched yet, so I am behind. XD Thank you for my kitty plushie though! <3
    I spent Christmas in SC with my family. I got a bunch of boring grown up stuff, but I also got the new illustrated version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and a couple of Miyazaki movies. What about you?

    How is it going with that guy? It must be going pretty well if you are still seeing him. What is his name? Yeah I think I got Cosmog. I picked up the egg, but I haven't gone back to check what it hatched into yet. XD
    Now I'm to the point where I just buy specimens I like, granted most have to be purchased online due to a serious lack of brick and mortar rock/mineral shops in my area. I must admit I'm a bit jealous to hear that you have one close to you! I'd be there every weekend if given the opportunity, seriously.

    As for my other noteworthy specimens, I've got a ton of assorted mold and trace fossils, lots of rough cut opals (including a faerie and Mexican fire opal) because I'm obsessed with them, and I found a really cool fluorescent cerussite specimen with multiple nearly flawless orange barite crystals. I've promised myself that I'll chill for a while after getting the okenite geode... unless I happen to find cuprosklodowskite at a somewhat reasonable price. All about the radioactivity.

    End part II!
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