ahah I'm a big fan of courier new so it's not terrible to me at all! i use it on my blog as well :3 I also want to come up with a nice post format like yours since I wont be able to make super long entries on work days cause I wont have time

aw thanks for the compliment, i'm just happy someone reads it. most of the time i'm just rambling to myself hehe.
lapel pins are super popular now, but i don't really own any! i guess i need to jump on the lapel train asap before it goes out of style hahaha. i'm actually planning on making animal crossing merchandise soon.. LOL (to sell at comic cons)... i'm going to design a nice foresty scene on a totebag and my friend is going to make paper mache pins of the villagers that you can pick and choose/pin wherever ahah. lets see if this actually goes through because it looks really cute in my head