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  • Ive rooted in the past more for the Buccaneers than the Dolphins or Jaguars, but i like them too. But i'm at the point where i feel there are too many criminals and dirtbags in the NFL for me to spend much of my time on it (except for the SuperBowl), so i watch more college football these days. I like Bridgewater and Bradford tho- the Vikes have some good guys at QB...
    ay there are some! actually there were several world series threads in the brewster's board... but yeah i hardly ever see anything about sports here otherwise except how much people dislike them...:rolleyes:
    well i root for the Rays so i'm a fan of the cubs manager since he used to manage the Rays. i'm sure we'll notice more and more of their fans down here bandwaggoning their gear now, i hope they don't start acting like jerks like the Red Sox fans! :mad:
    thanks for the thought, ive got a few i need to exalt or give away anyhow and that should settle things down.

    i rooted mostly for the Cubs, but i wouldve been satisfied either way. it was an awesome series.
    i went to a party for halloween but it was boring ,i watched the world series while i was there. you?
    in FR ive been trying to breed radioactives, fire dergs, and orcas, and the new bogsneaks. that's been fun, but now im out of lair space.
    they had the Jack character collectible for halloween, the others are in conjunction with the Fair party packs they mailed out to people. i guess its the new series theyre doing for collectibles, next is Pave, and Mint and maybe Lobo? it will take them twetny years to complete that series!
    been okay! the halloween event here was fun, i guess everyone is waiting for the new character collectibles to ramp up.
    you still play FR much?
    Aww hello! I have missed you lately! We need to catch up soon! I have been doing well, and I hope you are too! I hope that you not being online means real life is busy and going well! ^-^
    bbuuu late congrats on the dark egg btw ♡♡ did you participate in the halloween thing at all? (n i sent u an email if by chance u see this vm first)
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