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  • Ohhh you need a card reader too? .____. I have the old one, so I guess I'll need one. YES! Well, I don't think Malaysia is big on halloween, but me and my room mate are definitely fans. I'm not great with the costumes, but I usually make a paper mache mask at least... this year I'm going as an old hag/witch hahaha. Not that interesting, but I already had the mask mould made from last year so I just need to paint it :'D I even bought a wig for the costume and I'm soo tempted to just walk around and wear it in public when I'm bored of being bald hahaha. What about you?
    Thanks bud! I'm doing ok, stressed out by school as per usual lol. Hope you're doing well also!! :)
    Nah, I never really know when it's going to be busy, although we can kind of predict it around the holidays, sometimes it's just slow during those times too and really busy in a random week. We were printing for a client who was preparing for a fashion show earlier where we printed like 30meter fabric for traditional indian sarees. Soo pooped but we have a large order coming in again.. I just want to sleep now. You know, I've never understood amiibo cards. I'm curious to play with them... I hope they are available here though u.u It's one of the reasons I never picked up HHD because a lot of it is with the cards or something. Aww noo I like it! I've been using it as a scheduler :3
    It's weirdddd.. it'll be really quite and then one week of one month we'll have like 50 things to do! ahh I actually went from loving to hating to LOVING my new town haha. I was worried that my map looks "small" and I wont have space for PWPs but I worked around it a little and now I love it. aha are you ever gonna play again? Yess I hope all is good on your end. I miss talking to you a lot :') maybe we should mail each other something soon. hehe
    You're welcome c: I'm not sure if you'll like it or not. But if anything, you could just use it as a tool for creating new oc's since there's probably 10,000+ items to choose from x)
    Thank you!! I hope your week goes well too :) I actually have to have a wisdom tooth pulled tomorrow so that's no fun :( but supposedly it'll be a quick recovery and I get to eat lots of ice cream ;)
    i'm goood. just been a crazy week at work so naturally I coped with stress by playing animal crossing again XD how's everything with you?
    It's kind of a forum like this one where people have art shops and oc's etc. But it's more of an online community rather than a forum. You also have an avatar, which you can dress up with clothing and stuff. Also there's a bunch of games, and even chatrooms and small virtual worlds where you can walk around with your avatar & talk to others etc. I've been a member since 2007 and just recently got back into it. There's a few other people on tbt who use the site as well. I mainly just use the forum part for the art shops and stuff. ^^
    Aw thank you for the compliment <3 and yes I did c: I was originally just making an outfit on gaiaonline but I liked it so much I decided to make her an oc. ^-^
    Aww, I am sorry to hear that. But your dog will always be loyal and your best buddy. We are doing well. Times have been VERY tough with my mother. Her dementia is progressing pretty rapidly and caring for her has become quite challenging both mentally and physically. That is the main reason I dropped off here, just no time to play. But I am trying to find a much-needed balance. Husband is working long hours, daughter is still working on getting her youtube channel up and running. And we are just taking it a day at a time, which is all any of us can do, right? What have you been up to, sweetie? School? Work?
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