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  • hahaha i dont have much recent art, but i did update my website and made it nicer to look at :p but i'm going to start an art blog on blogspot soon so I'll share it once i have stuff up... heh. don't know how long ill keep up with it though. I always end up abandoning blogs because i'm so bad at updating it.
    Haha no problem! And if you wanna buy a mega stone I'm selling one for tbt since I'm quitting, Jay lemme know if you want it :)
    Lol the pokemon has to be mega able, meaning that when it's in your party it'll have a little colored bubble to show that it can be mega evolved. The charmander that's in my party rn is mega able if you wanna see an example.
    You can breed them, or if you're lucky enough you might hatch one, but they won't mega while unless you give them a mega stone :)
    I'm not positive, but that's the plan right now :) I'm planning on going to a university or college rather than a conservatory so I can keep my options open.
    I don't think I get anything for being a finalist :(
    I've been playing since spring of 2nd grade, so around 10 years. I go to a performing and visual arts high school and I'm getting ready for college auditions right now.
    Thanks for voting for me :p At this point I'm pretty far behind though so I know I'm not going to win anything. I'm fine with that though, I'm happy just to have made the finals! I'll probably get a red feather because it'll look good with my carnations and other flower collectibles. You must have a good friend that they would gift you a pink feather!
    I did a lot of the events :p Not the cooking one because that's not my forte lol. And the house of mirrors is hard for me, I only got the DK one. The one up right now seems pretty impossible to me too. But my design-your-town entry made the finals! It's the 9th one down. I should be getting enough tickets for another feather collectible :D That's awesome that you got the pink one! I was hoping for a star glow wand myself but they sold out. Did you win a crescent moon glow wand? (lol I didn't)
    lol sorry I don't, I'm actually pretty awful at drawing most things tbh, that's very flattering though! :blush:
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