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  • Aw thank you! I drew them! I'm not a great artist but they were easy to doodle since they all have pretty simple faces haha :')
    I agree! I prefer nighttime and the moon to the sun! Moon is prettier, and the legendary looks cooler! ^.~ Um... You haven't asked about Pokeheroes yet, and I don't know what that is. :blush: I play Pokemon Go though...

    Almost everyone I have dealt with on here has been really cool! I think you are pretty awesome too! ^-^ Thanks for contacting me!
    I hope, currently there seem to be more glow wand sellers than buyers, and yeah not many people can buy when the seller wants 3k for it. Also I think people wait for the final restock. Then, after the restock people will spend their leftover tickets on the unlimited collectibles, hoefully resulting in a price drop c:
    Yes the yellow feather is really pretty too, maybe you can buy one from the marketplace for a good price!
    Actually before the fair started I hoped to get a green and a yellow feather at the fair, to go with my blue and red feather, but they introduced the glow wands and here we are, I spent my tickets on glow wands, and on a pink feather XD
    huh! struggling with what?? :0 pm me gurl
    that villager of you is cute af btw hahahah omg ! where'd you get it?
    Yep we're finally moved in! had a "soft launch" a week ago at the shop and we're having a grand opening in september :3 The space is operated by another person at all times so I'm happy I don't have to go in all the time haha. super lazy T_T
    Yeah it is, but maybe it will be good? I'm not sure, but I will give it a chance!

    I liked Owen! That is who my sister would always marry in game, but he is difficult to woo... Julius and Jin are the easiest because Herbal Tea is stupid easy to get and give! ^.~

    I'm planning on getting Moon when it comes out yeah. I skipped Omega/Alpha because there was no character customization! ^.^ Silly, but that was my reason! Hmm I don't know the website either, but I think you can try emuparadise.me. I got a bunch of games from there! ^.~ Good luck!

    Yeah ACNL is pretty new overall, but super fun! I think I like this community more than the game though! I am having way more fun trading and interacting with people on Bell Tree! ^-^
    Oh okay, no problem! c:

    What other games do you play besides ACNL?

    EDIT: I just noticed that you wrote those down in your About Me, HAHA!

    AHH and you're in Minnesota, too? Normally I don't like disclosing my location but WOOHOO! Go Minnesota! Looking forward to yet another year of frigid ice temperatures. (Just kidding, last year wasn't too bad; not where we were, anyways).
    honestly i might not have noticed except for your pointing it out!! ;D bahahaha

    yea it's being outsold by the heart wand, flower wand is like the yellow feather this year. It's so cool though, there's not enough green collectibles! and I guess you'll have to get more wands to match it wink wink. the candies are adorable but they just suffer so much from that background, it's a shame. ;/ let's start a petition to get rid of the grey bg lolol

    well I told myself that if I managed to get a moon stick I'd give away my other star wand so I wanna do that before I get too attached to it! but I feel like it'd be tacky cuz it might seem like I was trying to quickly garner people's good favor while the polls are still open.. I don't believe anyone would actually run n vote for me because of it but I still worry that's what it would look like (i wasn't kidding about being paranoid LOL). I'm sure I'm overthinking it but I'll probably wait anyway.
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