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  • ahhaah I played violin too... It feels like such an asian stereotype XD

    I might do some of the bell tree events if I'm not lazy. Looks kinda fun and a good excuse to get out my game :p
    Thanks, yeah I guess we´re both in Wind then, well I know I am haha:D
    Expanding the lair is a good investment, you can do it, only two more!
    I just finished colouring the lineart, for "Bucket of paint", um... it doesn´t look very professional... :lemon:
    the thing is that I like to think ahead, but when the time comes, I freak out and never go thru my original plan ;-; how long ago did u visit korea??? and no problem! I was a bit confused the first time I saw the submission board as well so ur not alone :^)
    Oh excellent! That's such an interesting field. What made you want to pursue retail merchandising? Double majoring is quite impressive! The St. Paul campus really is nice, I love being able to go out during my lunch breaks and eat under the sun -- it's so much calmer than East Bank, but I do often miss being able to walk around East Bank and visit all the shops and restaurants there. I took one class there last year and it was like a different atmosphere altogether.

    Oh I definitely am! I'm already getting reading to get some supplies and groceries ready for some events, like CHOPPED and Paint the Night :3 I was looking forward to the Pokémon Tournament, but I unforunately missed the signup deadline T_T Are you thinking about participating in any? :)
    i did! if u want, we can trade poems (thru pms ofc). im a really huge fan of poems. plus i took a poetry and creative writing elective in high school lol. mine is pretty corny as well so u don't have to worry about it. to submit it, u have to go to the contest submission board and make a new thread with the prefix of which contest ur submitting for. there wont be any threads since all of them are private and only the user can see their own and no one else can see someone else's submissions. does that make sense???:-;
    same here! my sat scores were awful while my act score were decent enough to get me into my current uni. in my state, u can use the score of either exams but its always recommended to submit both just to be safe. i need one more year until i can apply for internship but i already know that i will apply at a primary school since my mum works at one.

    well, korea is a peninsula, surrounded by only water. i can already imagine it ;-; this summer we went to a local island to go to the beach and i hated it so much. idk why but i just hate the air that surrounds the beach. its an icky feeling imo.
    Congrats on getting her, she´ll look gorgeous!
    Yeah a spicy pumkin snippsnapp c;
    So yay my flight got 1st place at dom, it´s time to expand my lair and buy some items from the marketplace :blush:
    Sounds like a nice place for your house, yeah it sucks when a villager moves too close to the house, and especially in front of the house ;v;
    Also nice new fair collectibles, let´s see where I´ll participate, it`s kinda overwhelming^^
    ah i see. i was never a fan of the sat/act. just kinda have bad memories revolving around them ;-; i have 3-4 year left, it depends if i can get ahead by taking extra classes. it does give me enough time to actually think about the options but i know that i will leave it until the last minute. i always do and its a horrible habit of mine :<

    there are many horror stories about the humidity but its so much worse near the coast. thankfully i don't live nowhere near the coast, but the humidity is still bad where i live. that's why the local pools and water amusement parks are always full.

    out of the five contests, im probs only going to participate in 3 of them. i already submitted my poem for the poetry contest. kinda nervous about it tbh. u could totally win one! :)
    that's true. school is so expensive tbh. i know what the lsats are cause of legally blonde lol. are they difficult? whats the lowest score u can ge on them to pass??? having a lot of options IS a good thing but it can also be overwhelming ;-;\

    i don't mind answering at all :) i live in texas so its basically summer all year round while summer is extra summer or summer to the second power lol. the fair already started and I'm really excited. the new collectables are so pretty. i really want the mysterious crescent moon one, the pink heart glow wand and the pink feather :> are u going to enter any of the contests???
    Yeah, the goblins fit very nicely in my opinion. I have all the sprites barring the Light Sprite and I think I'll always prefer them in terms of aesthetics, but I definitely dig the goblins and am glad Flight Rising seems to be going back to a more solid theme with the holiday familiars.

    NotN takes place at the end of every December and runs for 2 weeks. I made an absolute killing last time and am hoping it reignites my interest in the game this time around! You should definitely end up with a few Nocturne eggs provided you put even a small amount of time into grinding, and there's also normally new familiars, apparel, and Nocturne breed change scrolls that drop from the specialty chests, so it's a pretty exciting time overall. :blush:

    And I'm okay, no worries! I just have a lot on my plate at present but things should chill a bit over the next few weeks.
    AHHHHHRhhhhhhh im so excited for the fair. is there collectible you want? (i think the glow wands are really cool)
    Yup St. Paul :) What'd you study for your undergrad? I'm from Miami, almost as south as you can get :p Have you ever been?
    thanks again for babysitting- u can send them back at your convenience. let me know what i can buy you from MP this week...
    The fair events are so cool! I'm still wrapping my head around a couple of them - I'd like to enter the cooking comp just for fun but I'm not supposed to use the stove or oven until after my next surgery, so would have to get my partner or someone to cook. And eat the results, since I'm not eating much these days, and am mostly a vegetarian.

    I'm still stumped for what to take a photo of in my town (either of them), I've had them both for 3 years now but... Eh, we'll see. I've got some ideas for a couple of the comps though, which I'm excited about!

    And the banner artwork is all so cool to see, it brightens this site up nicely! :D
    I don't do that kind of thing anymore, it was exhausting and I burnt out. I don't even attend those events to catch up with people anymore in case I get sucked back in. I will one day, maybe soon, but I won't take on a volunteer role that intense again. Just because I'm experienced does NOT mean I need to offer to help!

    I actually loved the actual work, despite the hassles (committees of Uni kids or younger = train wreck I never got over!). So in a different environment I'd be happy to volunteer again, just not for events that make profit (mine was not for profit, which is now exceedingly rare in the Con circuit). Only around paid work though.

    I put my skills to use running kinder/child care rooms for children these days (when healthy). They appreciate it more!
    Yes that's what I did, and you're spot on RE "technical stuff" as that is literally what most people called it lol! Technically I was in charge of AV (audio visual), so my area was responsible for providing the technical set up for theatres, "main events" hall, secondary stages, ad hoc PA (public address, so portable microphone and speakers), camera work, lighting, sound and vision mixing (for live streaming as well)..

    All I wanted to do was run my Children's Area, but I never did get to install my replacement AV head so I could focus on that, ah well.

    Yes, you've got the right of it - when it's something relevant to your job (or background), you tend to notice it wherever you go. :)
    I'm not sleepy yet 030
    But if you want I can try lol. I study as well so I'm good!

    And yes true Orz. I keep forgetting to tell you about commissions lol. We need to get you a icon but I think you can use the ones you have on da.

    And I'll try to hold on lol.
    I did another all nighter lol
    I don't fall asleep until 9am lol and I always wake up at 4pm

    And it's not irresponsible if it makes you happy lol. And yeah she was design by Peyone. I want to sell the old design but I'm just like idk. Only to good people. That's why I always come to you before I openly sell designs tbh
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