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  • Only if you want to lol. I never got happy home designer, I'm just very lazy and I think I'll be more awful playing that game lol.

    And lol yeah. I always wanted black eyes but I got green. I could just say that's her in black contacts or whatever but idk once I make a new design it's hard for me to get into the old one so I sell it.
    that freakin bear and ghost-Pikachu thing are sooo adorable, I've hardly been online at all these past few weeks so I keep getting surprised by new Pokémon just showing up when I glance at a random blog or something lol I thought that "Aloha" Exeggutor was a joke when I first saw it hahahah but speaking of which I like the idea of "Aloha" Pokémon A LOT better than I like mega evolutions, I really love the ice Ninetails and ice Sandslash omg.
    also I see the fair is almost all up and running! Are you gonna participate in any of the contests?? ;0 got ur eye on any prizes? those new glow wand collectibles are pretty cute.
    hello my dear friend!!!! omg I'm so sorry for the little disappearing act there, I've been keeping myself too busy this summer. How've you been?? Tell me all! :cool:
    As very belated answer to your previous vms: I don't know when Pokémon Go came out in Canada but I think it must have by now, I haven't been keeping up because I don't have a phone that can play it. :[ So i have to sadly pretend it doesn't exist! Cave Story is a platformer game quite similar to Metroid but not as difficult, it was originally for PC but they made a version for 3DS which is the one I have (incidentally since the time of my mentioning it I have not finished it yet LOL I got to the last dungeon and as usual just stopped playing for no reason). And yes my dog is a pomeranian hahah he also has a bit of chihuahua in him apparently, although no one ever believes me when I tell them. Also Momo is the cutest name for a dog!! <3 I'ma have to take a new pic of Tuco to send you hahaha
    Sure! I've actually been replaying Paper Mario TTYD on my Gamecube and playing Superstar Saga in my GBA slot on my old DS. Guess I should stop playing so retro haha.
    My eyes aren't black lol
    I was always found of black eyes so I was like throw them on me lmao
    No no, you're all good! I mentioned I used to help run a local (very big) anime and pop culture convention, which I worry sounds like I'm bragging (though it's not much of an achievement to me, other people think differently I've found). Because I spent years doing that people are always surprised I know so little about pop culture, slang, and jargon like "OC", and all that jazz. I just organised stuff, I wasn't a part of the community as a fan, just a supporter of these communities and events.

    I grew up helping my dad with his camera work and PA (public address, so microphone and speaker setups) jobs. I've worked on all kinds of things, and it doesn't matter what the event is : the logistics are what matters, and health and safety. The jargon, the style, the type of event are all details I learned to tune out as a child to get the job done lol.

    It makes going to concerts etc as an adult exciting though - the behind the scenes stuff is at least as interesting as the show itself!
    Yup I do! It's an awesome school and a fun city :p Oh man, the winter months here really do make me miss Florida's uncomfortably humid and hot days. Lol never thought I'd say that, cause Florida's hot weather can be so terrible!
    Aw what really!? That's so cool and it's such a small world! ^-^ Are you originally from Minnesota? I moved here from Florida a couple of years ago for vet school :)
    I haven't played my file in ages
    My fav villagers probably left me lol
    I think I stopped paying when Fauna left lol and I was like you btch!
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