Princess Mipha

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  • Hahah weirdly enough I was thinking the same thing whenever I saw your name around the forums (that it's like mine, not that u should take an "a" out :p)

    Thank you! Belated happy birthday to u as well since it was yesterday apparently! :cool:
    ohh lol i don't use reddit. i'll probably sign up for it later but i don't know how often i'll use it.
    i tried using discord one time but i was just too used to skype lol
    gnar and kennen r pretty cute
    idk whats wrong with me whenever i try to play ugly guy champs i just suck lmaooo
    sad times lol
    sometimes my junglers never help and sometimes people are just really laggy. nothing can really be done about it though :/
    So sorry, someone wanted Murphy but then they didn't want him anymore. I couldn't get rid of anyone in time. I did some weeding though ♪ I hate to see towns with lots of weeds so I pull them.
    Okay Ill add you when I get home today, and then head to the train station okay? Payment will be in the event plaza.
    Im available 2PM too, but this is because of school. Im @School rn, so I cant connect to wifi other than this chromebook... Sorry about the timezone stuff.
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