we should play tomorrow :0 i only play in the mornings and occasionally in the afternoon if my brother goes out to work
i made a smurf because my main has the leaverbuster bc my computer keeps crashing rip
haven't used my elementalist lux in weeks/months
oh haha ^^ i don't even have pool party lulu skin. i'm p sure i planned on buying it, but then i just used rp on gifting my friend the winter wonder orianna skin. i have the elementalist lux one though ^-^
Okay then, I'll finish off your avatar tonight hopefully and send it through as soon as I can ^^ just as long as you don't mind keeping the items for a little longer
but yea our time zones are really different LOL I live in the USA (PST) So
yea you caught me staying up late. LOL its like 1:19AM right now.
I doubt you can catch me again at this time So not suree how this is gonna work if you dot have to send items over
unless you really dont mind trading items now
Edit: im pretty tired so imma go sleep actually -u- I hope i catch you in the morning if you are up late if thats how our timezone works LOL;;
Aaaaaah I am so so sorry for not getting back to ypu about that ><" I completely forgot about it with being back at uni this week. I'm still keen to trade, would you prefer payment first? I was aiming to pay first then trading ~