Princess Mipha

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  • pink is my favorite color so the princess one is definitely one of my favorites too. i like the color of the fishie c:
    Hello! Sorry I haven't been online recently, but I'm pretty much good to trade anytime the next few days if that works for you!
    I mean I'll be able to now if it works for you better. Sorry for confusion. ^^''
    Oh! I'll probably be awake for a couple more hours as well if that works better for you.
    Hello! I'm on right now and probably will be until 5 pm today. Will also be home all day tomorrow so if I don't catch you today, then we can trade tomorrow c:
    Hi! Awww I hope you feel better <3 And I don't mind doing the item trade tomorrow! The only thing is that I might be able to get the items I ordered from someone else as well, but if you already ordered the items from an RV then I don't mind waiting! Let me know :)
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