Princess Mipha

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  • I almost forgot to ask but is Rene's hair purple or red? (or maybe purple-ish red? : 0 )
    Thanks for letting me know! ^^ I can still do the avatar but I've been quite busy so I'll have to do it tomorrow if that's okay :x Thanks again!
    Hey! That's totally fine, I've lost motivation with making art so I totally understand. But I'm still happy to go through with it ^^
    Hi! Are you talking about the drawing/art request? If so, of course! Feel free to make any changes by editing your post in my art shop thread (you can find the link in my signature to make finding it easier) ^^
    Hey! My apologies for being gone for so long. I'm on right now and probably will be for the rest of tonight and some tomorrow afternoon. Lmk when you're available!
    also! i should be available all day tomorrow starting from 12pm PST if you cant today
    hello, i am available now, and will be for the rest of the day. i will also be available tomorrow, whenever is good with you :)
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