Princess Mipha

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  • On my way! Sorry was handling another trade~
    & I got it a really, really long time ago from another website I used to play on. I don't think that person takes art requests anymore though :c
    So maybe in like a half an hour or so? Just message me when you're ready. :)
    Also, how much do I owe you? And is this delivery or pick up?
    I notice you're online now, actually! if that works for you, i can try to be on soon o: if not, we can do the weekend. :)
    I'm so sorry, personal emergency. :(
    I haven't even been on the game for two days. I really apologize. I completely understand if you'd prefer not to trade anymore.
    okay! o: I've never done something like this before, but I'd be willing to try!
    i'd never steal from you, you don't have to worry about that. how much do i owe you again? o:
    okay, i totally understand! i don't want you to have to get up at some crazy hour for this :(
    i can do 10 pm if it does work for you o:
    yes, I can probably do today! I might be going out at that time, though, so is there any way we could do it a bit earlier? If not, I'll try my best to make it! (Just to be clear, it's 9:30 am on Sunday right now :) )
    So do you mean tonight, february 2nd at 9 pm pst? or would that be on february 3rd? (just because i think you're already into the next day for me, lol!)
    Sorry! It was like 1 am when you messaged me xD It's 4 pm here so... when would you be available? we have really far off timezones, lol!
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