Princess Mipha

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  • Keep the tbt. I can't stay focused long enough to visit your town. So sorry for the hassle. My bad.
    Hi! I only wanted to inform you that I feel sick today, so probably I won't be online this evening. Can we trade tomorrow at the same ? Sorry. :/
    Ah I got lost in drawing again. You have my undivided attention. But right now is fine.
    Oh!! Im sorry xD gosh i read that wrong lol. I have most of the set now o: Im sorry, goodness i feel bad for readimg that so out of context @-@
    Hello! Oh im sorry im not selling a my melody set o: at least not yet.
    If you went on my Moridb account you may of been on my wishlist unless you ment to measage someone else >~<
    I'm available all day tomorrow. Is 12 pm eastern time okay? If not my schedule is completely flexible.
    I'm sorry this has been so hard to get in touch with each other. Thank you for holding my items!

    Hopefully the weekend will be better since I do not have work and everything! I will be on in the morning/afternoon for you and hopefully we will get together!
    I have to go now. :( Hopefully we can catch eachother this afternoon. I will be off at two and will come straight home to get this done! Thanks so much for trying to get my items to me and being patient with me! I hate time zones :(
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