crazyfroggster8 Dec 22, 2014 Dunno if you saw my last post, but can I also buy the rest of your pink azalea starts?
Rav3n_Owl Dec 20, 2014 Hi! My gate is open~ your money is right next to the tracks going up to main street~
00ToxicLove00 Dec 18, 2014 Hi I'm back srry about the long wait :/ if you're still up for the trade I'm free now :3
R R rheana18 Oct 5, 2014 Ifyou are online at 5:00 CENTRAL time later.. I'll be onlike for a couple hours.
R R rheana18 Oct 3, 2014 I am available now for 2 hours and tomorrow night te exact same time as right now
Zulehan Sep 28, 2014 Thank you kindly for the donation! And glad you got Ankha back. She was a stubborn, but I am more stubborn.
Thank you kindly for the donation! And glad you got Ankha back. She was a stubborn, but I am more stubborn.