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  • Oops. Sorry about that! XD Hahaha. I forgot there's a limit on the private messaging thing. x: I never thought I'd reach it! Hah! Okay. I'll add you on gmail then. x]
    Alright. Private message me your name or email or whatever it was you used for skype and I'll add you! x3
    Are your shops open? O: And I know the feeling. xD Do you have skype? Would that be easier if we talked there?
    Yeah. I lost Muffy man! It sucked. She was my pretty victorian sheep. :[

    I wanted Apple and Papi to leave. But for now I have my Rasher, Kyle, and Rooney. Tia's nice. I'll keep her a little longer. But I am glad Apple left. ._. Maybe I can go for a 60's Diner kinda theme. x: I dunno. I dunno yet! XD
    It's hard to make creepy towns because everyone is so friendly. And not all morbid. XD I was sad that Muffy left me when I TT'd. That's why I'm trying to stop TTing. I was trying to figure out if I wanted to play in the winter or real time. Not for any specific purposes. I just love snow. ;_;
    No not yet. I'm just making it a beautiful town. I might work on a theme after looking at some. I kinda want it to match my characters. One is based off me and my boyfriend, and two others based on really good friends. One is a victorian steampunk person, and the other, loves munnies. XD SO riches for her. So, if I make it a town, I might think of a modern themed, depending on how long it takes to do it all. I like making paths, but, I absolutely HATE it when a new villager moves ontop of it. XD
    No, more like, trying to get things placed where I want them before I put down paths. I have characters that I could easily save paths on, but, I want to make it feel awesome to me before I make it awesome-er. XD

    Good luck running down that grass!
    I am tired. XDD I fell asleep on my boyfriend last night, and like, woke up 2-3 hours later. I haven't slept since. But other than that, I'm good. And it'll probably be hard to wear down the dirt within a day. I always thought you could just make dirt paths by making pretty looking dirt path designs. BUT. It is nice to go natural. I haven't laid down paths yet because I'm still trying to perfect my town. XDD
    Hello! I'm Noir. :3 I saw you on the forums and wanted to say hi. x3 How are you?
    No need. That you're happy is enough for me. I like seeing people get their dreamies. Along those lines, given away for free every villager whose moved from my town, including most recently Beau.

    But thank you so much for the offer.
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