Would it be alright if I added you to my 3ds friends list? ;u; I've seen you around the forums and would love to Wifi with you sometime after NL comes out in NA!
lol xD
I usually have my heater on when it's cold. I'm over the garage and it's always freezing in my room and in the summer, it's like a sauna in here! It's horrible.
I can feel the cold/heat coming in through the floor.
-translates into Celsius- 27.7
Here it is..11??? Wow, it's so warm today! ^___^ Last week it was only around 2. I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit.
Paper axe vs virtual axe. The paper axe can give me a nasty paper cut. :c You win this round.
I haven't failed badly enough to get a rafflesia yet. :3 Maybe I'm not so bad at gardening after all!
Your puny axe won't do any damage. It will only bounce off of me and I have a gold one too, so... 8D
I have two keyboard cats. ;_; One who rests her head on the keyboard and one who tries to completely lie on top of it. -_-
Flowers die in my care too. ;_; I KILL ALL OF THE PLANTS!