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  • Would it be alright if I added you to my 3ds friends list? ;u; I've seen you around the forums and would love to Wifi with you sometime after NL comes out in NA!
    lol xD
    I usually have my heater on when it's cold. I'm over the garage and it's always freezing in my room and in the summer, it's like a sauna in here! It's horrible.
    I can feel the cold/heat coming in through the floor.
    Maybe around a 13 hour drive then. :p

    We might get snow again later this week. It will either be snow or rain.
    Oh! New Jersey! So you're not too far from me...sort of. You may get some of it. We've been getting a lot of rain this evening.
    It's the warmest it's been so far this year. ^^ We even had a thunderstorm last night.
    -translates into Celsius- 27.7
    Here it is..11??? Wow, it's so warm today! ^___^ Last week it was only around 2. I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit.
    Yeah, but he could try to be less creepy and not show up half-dead on the beach all of the time.

    They will never go away. These zombie seagulls always have some sort of quiz that I have to answer.
    What laboratory, Dexter? It's all gone! -dances-

    There's a dead seagull on my beach again in NL. They keep washing up onto the beach. -sigh-
    DEEEXTER! OOH! WHAT DOES THIS BUTTON DO??? -presses it- BOOM! -lab explodes-

    Brilliant Brain! But do sealions eat seazebras?
    Dexter? Is that you?

    I am inclined to believe that you are inclined to believe my obviously exaggerated exaggerating sentence.
    It's fine. It's not like I've been stalking this conversation waiting for you to reply. Nope, nope nope.

    No, really, I haven't been stalking this conversation. Really, REALLY!!!!

    That was the only battle you will ever win. -Mandark laugh-
    I'm still half asleep. 8D So, yes, yes it did.

    Paper axe vs virtual axe. The paper axe can give me a nasty paper cut. :c You win this round.
    I haven't failed badly enough to get a rafflesia yet. :3 Maybe I'm not so bad at gardening after all!
    It is North America. :eek:

    Your puny axe won't do any damage. It will only bounce off of me and I have a gold one too, so... 8D
    I have two keyboard cats. ;_; One who rests her head on the keyboard and one who tries to completely lie on top of it. -_-

    Flowers die in my care too. ;_; I KILL ALL OF THE PLANTS!
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