dudeabides Jul 9, 2015 When I got back to the station he was the only town available again, no big deal though.
dudeabides Jul 9, 2015 Oops I went to the wrong town, that Eddy place had a 1 up mushroom just lying on the ground and I almost picked up his! I'll be right there though.
Oops I went to the wrong town, that Eddy place had a 1 up mushroom just lying on the ground and I almost picked up his! I'll be right there though.
RynxRawr Jul 8, 2015 I came? >__< Wait. I need to look through my people for the other piggy bank and 12 grape
RynxRawr Jul 8, 2015 No, it's okay.... I had the 12 grape plate and a piggy bank if you want it >___<
goldenroses Jul 8, 2015 i cant seem to find my other piggy bank omg >.< i'm so sorry!! how about 20 for one?