SeraphicOrder Jul 9, 2015 i kept adding your FC and realized we have been friends before.. hehehe thanks wendy... it is now open
i kept adding your FC and realized we have been friends before.. hehehe thanks wendy... it is now open
SeraphicOrder Jul 9, 2015 hi wendy i am ready. opening my gates to Yaiba pls feel free to take a money bag from Static's BDay
MardyBum Jul 9, 2015 Let me know when you can pick up the Berliner ^.^ Cheers and thanks for ordering c:
Chunkybunneh Jul 9, 2015 Sorry I had to go pick up my mom, but i'll be on later tonight and on tomorrow ^.^
dudeabides Jul 9, 2015 That Chengu Eddie guy had all kinds of items laying on the ground and I thought it was a giveaway especially when one was the 1 up mushroom. Ooops
That Chengu Eddie guy had all kinds of items laying on the ground and I thought it was a giveaway especially when one was the 1 up mushroom. Ooops