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  • I already did asked her an offer but she wants 4k and I don't want to spend that much on a tiny picture
    oh and btw congrats on getting a pikachu easter egg. I was thinking about buying pikachu easter egg from B3N but I changed my mind cause I rather to save my TBT for the silly moonball collectible that been my wish collectible like for 4 or 3 months now, but I'm sure someone will sell it to me like 2k or 3k. I will not do 4k cause that will take for 3 years for me to earn.
    that was an extra extra excited message xD
    here is the thing l'm excited for is when the day comes that i'll feel better, l just hate coughing when your sick.
    btw was that random letters you put next to the word excited on the VM or does GFLK short for something, sorry ik its a random dumb question.
    i was thinking
    is it her from mortal kombat? and yep it is her, idk every fighter by name in mortal kombat. Man last time l played mortal kombat was more then 5 years ago.
    also thank you, its Okami the japanese god.
    That's okay and yeah l'm back just for a day then l'll be gone again when l get my rose collectible from this girl, if she going to sell it to me.
    You could go another round
    Round, round, round, round, round, round
    Wish you luck but you're not bringing us down :cool:
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