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  • oh, im sorry. its a still from a music video. yes, his band makes i suppose industrial metal.
    oh ok
    but longs l added you, yaaay
    and yes l might start on monday leaving belltree for now
    I'm planning on to leave belltree for a few months like two or three, so if you want I can add you on the 3ds I would like to see what your town looks like.
    your very welcome!
    btw that's ok you replied late l'm use to it cause everyone is busy for school. Hope you get good grades on your test.
    You can use the picture as a funny signature
    It took time for me trying to find the right size of the pokemon and also I made another signature for you.
    I'll give you the 2nd one later
    oh yeah I forgot about the flower collectibles I gave you.
    I'm just wondering cause it feels like ppl just want to use my collectibles to get money, so I was worried if you have sold yours. That's all
    Great to hear a good friend who would actually keep the gifts from a friend:)
    do you still own that Lobo collectible
    just making sure, cause couple of my friends wanted to sell the collectibles I gave them as gifts and its making me not very happy. So far all ik its Hyrule Crossing who still has the collectible I gave him as a gift, but I just wanna know if you sold the Lobo collectible.
    Why does it feel like ppl aren't liking the collectibles I give them as gifts
    why is your sig just nico yazawa with the wrong color eyes? this is bugging me far more than it even should
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