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  • word! im still awake! if you have room then now is okay with me c: but i dont mind waiting
    ok i lied.. i tted more and flo is in boxes ahaha.
    ill be on a few more hours possibly but timezones meh. ill leave her in boxes overnight incase youre still looking =]
    flo moved into my cycle town. noticed you were looking for her
    shes not in boxes yet and tbh i might leave bill in boxes overnight cause im exhausted af lmao. but if youre still looking for her tmrw she's yours c:
    Just wanted to say i've seen you in the forums & you've commented on some of my threads and I just wanted to say that you seem very helpful and nice c:
    Ok ty so muc! Ill try 2 get some1 to get out today! But since I have school I wont be on till 3-4 ish CT
    no worries =] ill leave my gates open and you can leave & come back
    i probs wont be paying attention 100% haha so do your thinggg
    gates are open~
    Hahah omg.
    So i just checked nooks
    he has BOTH the regal exterior and pebble pavement.
    would you like me to open the gates? xD
    So turns out theres a bear called Cheri and i meant the dog named Cherry but tysm for your help anyway i'm just dumb lmfao
    xD thank you! yeah sometimes i have to like, take a break and just be away from it for a while so i can think clearly/not get stressed lol. but i love doing it <3
    absolutely no problem =]
    im working on the tier list so not even concerned/in a hurry about cycling atm haha.
    ill add your fc and once it registers ill open the gates. no rush at all~
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