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  • Ah hey! You're online! Sorry about the other day, I had to go to work. Do you still have Coco's pic? ^^
    Blaaah ofcourse Francine went first lol. I usually dont like to void tier 1-2's so Joey may not be boxed up until like waay later, unless someone gets Francine soon. Just wanted to let you knoww~
    Hahaha that would be awesome. o:
    Alrighty, I'll probs void Cole in like 15 mins. will let you know when hes boxed up c:
    Of course! If you dont mind me asking, whats your timezone/how late will you be on?
    I can get him in boxes pretty soon if youll be on for like another hour? (unless Francine decides to leave.. )
    Hey, Chief won't look too bad in the checkered shirt c: Trying to be optimistic but I'm pretty sure I jinxed it LOL
    Yeah, I learned my lesson with that... -_-
    I guess you just gotta cope with what she's wearing haha c:
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