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  • Yep; I'm about to post him in the thread. Others are lurking for him, so just be prepared.
    (Tried to send this via PM, but your inbox is full):
    You're getting this VM because you are looking for a dreamie on my resetting thread. I will continue to reset in a few hours, but I just want to make sure those I am resetting for will be online and available this evening. If you are still looking and will be available for pickup today, please visit my thread and let me know your availability! Let me know around what times you'll be here (you must include your timezone -- visit timeanddate.com to get your GMT). Also double check the resetting list to make sure all of your dreamies are listed!

    Visit my thread here: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?237669

    I will not be resetting for anyone who doesn't reply to the thread -- so please make sure to when you have a moment!

    Example of what your post needs to look like:
    "Checking in for Beau and Fauna! I will be here tonight from 5pm-10pm EST/GMT -5. Thank you!"

    I'm not the type of person to twist the truth, it just seems weird. I know some people are praised for their originality in interpreting the game, but due to the fact that this is a nostalgia run, I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible.

    I only played Sapphire, I was originally going to do Ruby but Thunder convinced me otherwise.

    But thank you for supporting! I really appreciate it!

    Thank you, you don't know how appreciative it is to know that people are going to continue viewing it, I don't want to let my work go in vain.

    Funnily enough, each post for me takes about two hours, even though I don't get very far. I just find it hard to make the gifs and stuff perfect, and then make the flavor text and everything...
    The names are what they are because Sparkanine and RainbowCherry suggested them on previous days, along with what Pokémon they should go with...

    At least, that's what I assume the "y" in parentheses meant.

    I used an RNG to decide the starter's name, as the nicknames Leafy, KFC, and 2009 were suggested for the starter. I also used an RNG for choosing the starter, as each starter was suggested once.
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