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  • Omfg, Plot-resetting is the worst. Everyone can agree. You have to have a lot of patience.

    Basically, when a new villager is supposed to arrive, instead of going on your mayor, you click new player or whatever. Then after you created a new player, you walk around town looking for a plotted house. If you find it, and don't like the location, you have to exit the game and redo what you just did until you find the perfect spot. If you find they're in the perfect spot, then do the stuff you do when you make a new villager, then after, save and quit and delete the new character.
    I got her, just plot-resetting for her :\

    I like the original too :p But I only like it if I'n eating a sandwich with it.
    I got Lay's sour cream and onion. I knew a lot of people liked it, plus it was perfect because teacher bought sandwiches for the class. The part I hated about the sandwiches was that it was dry and there was no sauce (he bought it, I'm surprised the sandwich didn't come with a pack of mustard/mayo inside)

    I'm still plot resetting for Goldie which is so irritating D: She keeps going to the same places.
    OH HELL NO I'M NOT WATCHING THAT VIDEO! And I'm sorry, I hope you feel better. Burns really hurt for the first few days and leave a weird looking scar.

    I brought chips xD That was because my parents went grocery shopping the day before and they alread bought chips so I decided to bring it since I already had it.
    Oh cool! That sounded fun, except for the root beer part, I hate root beer. I also had a potluck in my social studies class on Thursday. Someone in my class said she was surprised that people actually brought food because she said in all her classes, no one ever brings food to a potluck (or everyone just brings chips and plates).
    I spent my Halloween on tbt, and I was a ghost and was at The Woods for 90% of the time. And I was handing out candy to kids, and later ate all the candy :p How about you?
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