Oh. She was this woman who was super nice and gave me two sets for free even though I always offered bells, and I even told her I could afford it, but she still gave them to me free of charge. She worked at a hospital to help kids, so she had a couple of copies of ACNL to help the kids cope with pain and treatments. I thought that was awesome. She was my favorite person here, but one day, I checked my settings. I saw her thread pop up, and it was closed. I decided to check it, and she said she was leaving the forums because people were greedy, so I'm trying to un-greedify the forums, or at least not add on to it. Kind of like a payment to her for her help, even though I doubt she knows who I am. I know that she knows that not everyone is greedy, but the few who are make a huge difference. I don't think she'll ever come back to the forums, sadly.