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  • Pietro is moving out of the Aurum Cycling Town! As his lurker, you're being given special notice and a few hours of lurker-exclusive claim time. First lurker to message me back about him gets him.
    PS, your inbox is full.
    HI! I AM SOOOO SORRY. omg I wanted to do it this weekend but comic con was this weekend so I got home late ><; I can do it tonight just PM when you're on!
    What is the Kpop world coming to.... o_O

    I'm kinda glad that they're leaving though. I heard that it's torture to be in that industry. They got their fame, so it's nice that she can leave and take the time to rest and chill.
    Luhan left?! What? I haven't been keeping up for a while. I know that Kris left though. Luhan was the one who got me into the hobby of speedcubing.

    Even though I'm grateful for him starting me off in that hobby, he's probably my least favorite member. It's still sad to see him go though. Oh well.

    Most people think I'm a guy from my username. It's nice how you could tell I was a girl though. About the hybrids, I'm already taking so much from you, so hybrids is overload. XD Thanks though.
    I have no idea what kind. You have a different aura. o_O It's weird but cool.

    I prefer boy bands too. Especially Shinee and Exo. They're popular for a reason.
    She's awesome and I think everyone should strive to be like her. I think you have a different kind of niceness in you.
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