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  • No worries, better to let it out then to hold it in, yes?
    Besides, why ask people to marry? Isn't it fine just to be friends?
    I'm sorry, but I'm not into marrying. There's no real incentive to. However, we can still chat and such~
    Yes you may.
    and if you leave I leave, and obviously everyone's gonna miss me?? (smh)
    so don't leave.
    Aye, Niji. It's been awhile, hasn't it? Remember me? It's HardyHarHarHar.

    I hope you have been well. It's sad to see such nice people as you depart.

    If you must, it's your choice.
    Well, neither is mine. I really want to slap some sense into you right now!

    So a while ago, there were some people being nasty to me. It hurt me, and I decided I should just leave, but my friends persuaded me it was the wrong thing and that it showed the haters it works.

    No one cares that you're not perfect! Plus, when have you hurt me?
    Ok so:
    1. My username has always been this, And I don't see the point in "weddings"
    2. I'm not an bat.
    3. When have I called you ********? Christ, no ones perfect. Even me, I've just had to go to the doctors once a week.
    4. how can you take ADHD
    5. I'm guessing you sent this to everyone?
    6.Not to me. You seem like a slightly over dramatic but nice person.
    Ok so:
    1. My username has always been this, And I don't see the point in "weddings"
    2. I'm not an bat.
    3. When have I called you ********? Christ, no ones perfect. Even me, I've just had to go to the doctors once a week.
    4. how can you take ADHD
    5. I'm guessing you sent this to everyone?
    6.Not to me. You seem like a slightly over dramatic but nice person.
    Ok so:
    1. My username has always been this, And I don't see the point in "weddings"
    2. I'm not an bat.
    3. When have I called you ********? Christ, no ones perfect. Even me, I've just had to go to the doctors once a week.
    4. how can you take ADHD
    5. I'm guessing you sent this to everyone?
    6.Not to me. You seem like a slightly over dramatic but nice person.
    Wait, how did I? I never get involved with weddings. You got hurt over a little silly thing on a little forum? Good lord, if I got 'hurt' when my friends left me out I would be long gone.
    Wow, hope not to intrude but it kinda was you who sparked up his hiatus by saying he hurt you...
    No, I'm not. I just really want tosince I'm already having to deal with irl drama too. And just because I do, doesn't mean you should either. There's a big world out there, and when someone you cared about leaves, doesn't mean you should leave either. If I fell off a bridge and died, you shouldn't do the same just because I did it; you should live on and know you were one of the lucky few who got to know me, and be friends with me, and enjoy our memories together.

    Irl my best friend who I have a crush on and I've known for 5 years is starting to hate me, there's a big disconnection between us because we live so far away, and it's tearing us apart. When I come onto TBT, my goal is to make people happy, and to be happy myself. This is nothing really; but to me it's everything: it's ruining my little paradise when my life is driving me bonkers, and I want everything to just cool down to before.
    kind of isn't it ;_;

    but it's just.. i never knew you and luca were so close to each other, so i went ahead and asked him if he wanted to "marry" me. like, i just didn't know, okay? i didn't mean any harm at all.
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