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  • Hi, Niji :lemon: I saw your post in the Team Pokemon thread about you going up north for a bit. I know you're busy, but when you are available can you change my title to Gardener? And can you do links on your very first post to my shop, and possibly Ryu's giveaway? Thanks! :D
    when editing, click "go advanced,"

    Then scroll down to "attached images"
    then click on that and a pop up box should appear with all the attached images, then delete the one that you want to get rid of :)
    let me know if it doesnt work
    Sorry for the late shop post, my internet was awful and didn't work for a while. I posted it now! :D :lemon:
    Added the Diancie to the post. Who are tge collectibles from, so that I can credit the in tge donation spoiler?

    And lol I often just go afk while having a few pages open and coincidentally one of them might've been my user profile xP
    Lol I was just kidding there I don't wanna bribe my way into someone's honorable members list lol
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