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  • Hi Niji! Sorry I haven't been available lately to get my prize, but I can get the prizes tomorrow from 11:00am-3:30pm or so. Will you be around that time? :D
    Um, this is awkward, but It turns out my College's Wi-fi doesn't support the 3DS. So, what do I do gor the in game fruits?
    What really killed me was the fact that we got pizza the first day
    It was a five hour drive and it was quite sad because I wasn't able to eat the snack we brought along
    By the time we made it to the hotel I had pizza in my hands and I could just smell it and it was just great
    Then we got to the room and I took a bite right away.
    Then I lost my sanity for a bit.
    I'm still a little confused. (mainly because of the wording on your explanation. Any way of saying it without the overuse of the word 'post'?)
    Hey, I'm actually going to be online this Saturday from 11:00am-3:30pm CT. Will you be on that time? :D
    o: I didn't! Blue is my favorite color though, and I wish sapphire was my birthstone :p
    I was technically supposed to be born in September though, but instead it was October. I do like opals though (my birthstone) since they can be whatever color you want XD
    I'm selling some silver axes, giant-clam shells, and a few other little things so hopefully within a week or so I'll have the extra TBT to gift to you! ^-^ I'm trying to save a couple hundred though for the incoming restock and to get september and october birthstones.
    Anyways, congrats! :D
    omg I'm so sorry! I accidentally voided Tangy. I still have Stinky if you still want him, and I'll refund a few TBT if you want ;;
    Hello NijiNymphia!

    This is a reminder to not be a doofershnitzel. You are receiving this notice because we have received information that you are being a rude and selfish pinecone. Please refrain from acting like such a roosterbagel.

    Have a nice day! :)
    (Or don't, no one likes doofershnitzels)
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