Hi Niji! Sorry I haven't been available lately to get my prize, but I can get the prizes tomorrow from 11:00am-3:30pm or so. Will you be around that time?
What really killed me was the fact that we got pizza the first day
It was a five hour drive and it was quite sad because I wasn't able to eat the snack we brought along
By the time we made it to the hotel I had pizza in my hands and I could just smell it and it was just great
Then we got to the room and I took a bite right away.
Then I lost my sanity for a bit.
o: I didn't! Blue is my favorite color though, and I wish sapphire was my birthstone
I was technically supposed to be born in September though, but instead it was October. I do like opals though (my birthstone) since they can be whatever color you want XD
I'm selling some silver axes, giant-clam shells, and a few other little things so hopefully within a week or so I'll have the extra TBT to gift to you! ^-^ I'm trying to save a couple hundred though for the incoming restock and to get september and october birthstones.
Anyways, congrats!
This is a reminder to not be a doofershnitzel. You are receiving this notice because we have received information that you are being a rude and selfish pinecone. Please refrain from acting like such a roosterbagel.
Have a nice day!
(Or don't, no one likes doofershnitzels)