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  • How about this because I kinda feel guilty trying to make you work around my schedule. I won't pick up Bangle, do what you want with her maybe give her away and I'll give you some TBT once I have some saved back up after I figure out what I'm doing with the other user, for putting up with me. I'll get back to you on sunday and We can play for awhile then :)
    Nah tonite probably won't work for me. I can hop on for a bit to pick up Bangle but I can't keep playing for very long. But how about this reguardless of how my deal works out, I'll at least go to your town & tell you, open your gates and I'll pick her up if I can and either way I'll leave you a gift while I'm there :). But I'll be back on sunday and I should be available to play for longer with you Sunday night
    I'll tell you what, will you still be on around midnight. I believe that's when the user I'm talking to stops cycling. I'll be out of state tommarow so I can't pick him up any other time. If your still on and the deal falls through and you still have her. I'll pick her up & even give you a little extra for your trouble :)
    I'll take the Spring background, and here's my info that you can put in the sig:

    Town Name: Oklahoma
    Mayor Name: My
    Time Zone: CT
    FC: 4227-4114-3950
    Dream Address: 4700-5265-2983
    Well I actually might be getting Kyle today, who's one of my dream villagers. Are you trying to move her out to get a new villager? I kept the bid as an backup if the Kyle deal didn't work out, but I don't want to stop you from getting a new villager if you want it
    Yes and yes! My native fruit is oranges, and can you make them just regular oranges instead of perfect? Also, for the fave villagers...I would like Teddy, Mitzi, Bob, Flurry, Frita, Marshal, Molly, Tutu, Chow, and Velma. The other details is up to you!
    Sweet! Also, just checked out your shop. Instead of a sig, I posted that I want a drawing of Piplup. Your art and drawings are very cute and stylish! :)
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