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  • That's cool. I see that you draw stuff. I draw stuff too! Your art is really good. :blush:
    Alright, cool! I'm usually quite shy when it comes to things like this but I've been seeing you around a lot lately and you seem pretty nice. :)
    Yo, we should totally be friends! Is that a little creepy? I'm not sure...

    I'm a little embarrassed now.
    Just took a look at your art thread. HOLY COW I STARTED TO CRY BECAUSE OF THE MAD TALENT YOU HAVE!!! ;_;
    no not really Ive only had like 10 customers lol I was only expecting like 5 xD
    I hope I can get it a little more popular tho..

    And Your shop is still SUPER new (plus you have 2 shops?) So just keep bumping and people will start to order :D (i will bump your shop every once in a while too :D)
    literally your art is fantastic

    I suck when It comes to digital so thats why i made a traditional shop :) Im still pretty new so no one really knows about me xD
    Keep up the good work!
    Oh sigs! sweet! ill go check that now!

    u should check my shop too if you havent :D
    hi! I just wanted to say that I think your art is really good! I also do some digital art and am trying to get more into it so may I ask- do you use a drawing tablet? and what software do you use? your art is really fantastic!
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