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  • I can relate! Haven't really played too much recently either tbh. And nice! Of course my town is full of kitties! Well I only a couple that aren't cats such as Jambette, Maddie, Ellie, and Mint! I'm thinking about replacing Mint with a snooty cat such as Olivia, Kitty, or Monique. However I'm not sure which one I wanna choose! lol
    i'm fine~ most of this week has been slow, but it's definitely eventful ^^ how have you been, though? you seem to come and go a lot more often o: whatever it is, don't push yourself too hard
    *other flying kisses knock me down with their immense force* <3 *uses love glue to glue your kiss on my face to your face* Stuck together~
    I can't remember if I said anything about my sister lmao my memory is super ****ty but I'm sure it isn't anything serious so don't worry haha & I like to make people laugh so that makes me happy to hear that ^^ & no I don't, thank you very much tho <3 ;;
    I'm glad <3 cause you worried me abit lol & I'm pretty good thank you ^^ & yes I do have time, & I've added your FC too
    Hey, long time no see, are you okay ? & i do still need the stuff you ordered for me lol; I wanted to be patient & wait instead of buying from another shop, & I also still need to visit Claude if possible ^^
    No problem! :) Thank you! ;v; I'm really not the best person to ask for answers in terms of Islam but I hope I cleared some of your questions! :) It's not very hard honestly! You get used to it because you're "trained" in a way ever since you're little. :)

    I hope your God(s) also bless you and elevate your place in the afterlife (if you believe in that) for your curiosity and open mindedness in understanding other religions :)
    That's really cool! I love the drawing actually! You both did a great job drawing it! :D

    Right? She's like a big sister to her!

    How's your New Leaf town going by the way? It was fun that one time I came for Sarino stuff, chit chatted about Tangy and in-game patterns! :)
    Oh my gosh!! that's awesome!! I love when sumoyan was in Tashigi. It was so funny. I love those figures. I wish they had those it the states. I do have sabo's picture though! I will post it later :)
    Lol thank ye! :3 I have a picture of her since I got her in the mail today! Aaand she's hanging out with her new BFF now too! :D

    I LOVE THAT PICTURE OF TANGY!! :3 She is so cute!!! Did you make the drawing? It looks incredible!!

    Wouldn't it be awesome if they made more AC plushies?
    The girls in that situation don't need to fast while they're pregnant, weak, or are going through menstruation, but they need to make up for the fasts they missed later because you must fast for the entirety of Ramadan, whether you are a man or women and it is obligatory to do so.

    Thank you hun! The questions are so fun to answer! :D

    Ummm... am I allowed to say this on TBTF? xD Basically, if there is any release of... "fluids", and it comes out of you in a "flowing motion," then your fast has broken. Same goes for vomiting and menstruation. It leaves you in a spiritually impure state, so that's why it breaks your fast.

    And you start your fast at dawn and break it at dusk all while not eating or drinking anything in between. You can't restart your fast after intercourse; you're going to have to wait for the next day to start your fast xD
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