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  • I would like it, yes. Send me a private message when you see this, since I don't know if I'll be on when you're available again.
    Hi again! \o I'll be online for the next 6 hours (time zone GMT+1), hopefully we can time this somehow haha. Whenever you're ready! c:
    Hello! I’m on now, I won’t be available for most of the day because of Easter but I’m here from now to 3 pm est I think. I get back at 10 pm.
    Hi luv!!! Yeah, with Pokémon go, pocket camp and work, I’ve been mia for a good while. Always come back for fun events though! U know, torturing myself looking for eggs, lol!!! How have u been???
    Ugh, only just saw the message, you're probably asleep right now. I'll check back in a few hours, I'd still like to visit the rv today is possible
    it's no problem! ^^ i see you messaged me when i was sleeping so i apologize for that. I am in EST time and should be available all day if you happen to catch me when I'm online
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