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  • yas....all I see is an eye tho 0-0 the tree background isn't loading for me well enough so all I see is a creepy eye XD
    Yeah I got it done for school. I'm excited about the next one because I think I know what I want to do, but I'll have to see if I can :p
    I'm going to bed, but we can do Celeste's pic sometime tomorrow! I should be on all day tomorrow.
    *chuckles* I suppose that is how you hug me tightly? I'm at the point where I at least have 2 cups per day. Missed you too Yuki :p Like always.
    ah phew good~ I think it was another trader I said who could come~Luckily everything worked out oki
    I will be available to trade very soon! I'm fine thank you, and yourself~?
    Oh, sorry! I've added soooo many FC's the past days that I just assumed I'd added yours from the forum. What's your FC?
    That's fine! Let me know if I need to close and reopen the gate! Thank you so much for doing this, I've wanted that wig for soooo long <3
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