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  • Zzz... Are you available to drop off now?
    I can open my gate and you can do drop off, after that I'll go to sleep.
    Payment of 180 tbt has been sent for the items!

    I thought you were still online since I saw your username still have the green icon, but I don't see it on anymore.

    I'm going to go to sleep now since it's like 3AM here. Please let me know when you're available for me to open my gate.
    I know right! I can't wait for school to be over for the semester OTL I see! Over here, school usually starts in the fall ;v; I hope you do well sweetheart! It was good hearing from you too ~ :D
    Hi there! :D It has been a while omg... I've been good but school has really been kicking me hard xD How's life going for you hun? :)
    Replied in the thread. I only want the Welcome amiibo 7-Eleven items. What friend code do I add? And are you coming to deliver?
    Ahh it looks like I missed you! I'll be one for another hour or so (it's currently 11:05 pm here! So I'll be on until midnight or 1am)
    If you won't be on again tonight, I have the day off tomorrow so I'll be around. Just shoot me a VM when you're ready! :)
    Sure, I'll add you and just keep the gate open so you can come whenever. The town is cashmoni~
    No problem XD I've been late with orders anyway so I'm ust trying to catch up~
    Ah no worries! I don't anymore, I ended up resetting my town so I no longer need anything I was looking for. Thank you though! :)
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