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  • I understand that, thank you. :)
    I'll explain better this time, I was told it was a tea set but it looks more like a set made to hold sauces or condiments.
    Is that correct?
    Thank you for the information you've given me, I really appreciate it. :)
    Ooh, no one has asked that before! It means ‘acorn’ in Korean, because my mayors name is pronounced Tori, and acorn is pronounced dotori. Word play! ‘Mayor Tori of Dotori town’ sounds cute in my opinion :p
    Hahahahahahaha, yeah! I've been doing a little bit of landscaping and a ton of diving trick to get my villager to request more interesting PWPs. That has helped, or else my town was just sooooo barren and filled with flowers. Might try to put down some paths, but I'm also feeling nervous... like I don't know if I'm ready to take on such a task lol.
    Wow! I didn't think it would be anything like that, that's really great to know.
    So, it's for condiments and/or sauces, correct?
    Thank you very much for helping me, I hope I'm not bugging you.
    I got this at an estate sale:

    I might have taken this upside down, my apologies if so.

    Thank you for your time and assistance!
    Hi there, I was wondering if I could ask for your assistance with a non Belltree thing?
    I just need a little help identifying a small ceramics set I bought, I'm pretty sure it's Japanese, (based on my feeble knowledge on Japanese calligraphy)
    Thank you for your time
    oh I see! I've never seen that on any manga reading websites D: I need to read it now! I knew I saw that drawing style somewhere. xD
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