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  • omg noooo ur fine!! i woke up and i checked and i got resetti'd, so i think my internet just took a dump. i can take the flowers whenever you hve time tho. sorry everything messes up lol
    hey im going to bed, so ill leave my gates open for you! feel free to walk around town and talk to anyone! the town is really messy, but you can place the flowers anywhere you want to. thank you so much! you can catalog anything on the ground if you need to :)
    dude english is hard. there are people who grow up with english their whole life, and they still fail english class. it's insane. but yeah different languages are cool! sometimes i'll speak in spanish without meaning to?? like the word for "and" is "y" in spanish, and i'll always say "y" in conversation with people lol
    oh because your english is really good but i saw your town name and stuff and i was wondering if you just bought a japanese cartridge. do you guys have like a class for learning English? is it mandatory or no? because i'm taking Spanish in school right now, and it's pretty heavily suggested that you learn two languages in high school
    added :) it's super cute. i'm slowly starting to like "empty" paths. like paths that have nothing on them, but they have stuff around them, so i think the parts where the flowers line the path are really cute. sorry if this is weird or too much, but are you from Japan, or is the copy just from Japan? u dont have to answer if you dont want to
    yeah that'd be fine! idk when im going to bed because it's saturday, but i'll tell you when i leave my gates open! thank you so much! do you have a wishlist or something? i can leave some items at the station :)
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