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  • It was nice meeting you! You're really nice. Thanks for the new hero wig.
    Hey RedTropicalFish, long time no talking! :D I logged in just to respond to your message on my profile. I currently don't have my 3DS anymore (since I traded it towards a Wii U), but I still have my New Leaf cartridge just in case if I got another 3DS. If I get a new 3DS, I'll be sure to share my Dream Address with you first! :)
    lol i’m not wealthy. i haven’t spent any real money on the game, i’m going to try to play it without buying tickets. i just stayed up late playing the first two days. ooh i love castle in the sky! i’ve watch totoro with my nieces, but I’ve watch a bunch of others on my own. i was asking because i’m doing a studio ghibli themed house for one of my side characters and wanted your opinion :)
    You're welcome :) I'm building the tree swing in my campsite. Btw are you a fan of Studio Ghibli movies?
    thank you! i’ll come over in a few minutes :)

    my pocket camp fc is 48199527779

    are you looking for anything in acnl that i can help you with??
    hi yuki! yes i still need the high spirits clothing! how have you been? are you playing pocket camp???
    Yukiiii!!!!! <333333 How are you?! It's been too long T^T I still have the items I got for you sixteen years ago xD lol
    Yes that's a good idea actually! I'm not sure how many items I'm after so I will have to let you know. I'll start making my list now :) Can you read Japanese by any chance then? As I'm just starting to learn for my trip in 2019
    Is it okay if I get a list together and then send you a PT? I don't expect you to order everything as that's too much but I'd appreciate anything that you could order and I will pay.
    okay great, thank you! my gate will be open shortly, that is if you're happy to drop it all off? and in total I owe you 8 TBT :)
    i was going to offer 6 TBT as per the original pricing anyway, because you offered to sell before the price change c:
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