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  • It seems like I missed you but I’ll try to be on for the rest of today! If I don’t catch you we can set up a time that works for you.
    Hey there! Yes, I would still like the fueki chairs! Just let me know when you’d be available!
    Ah no I don't have discord. Lacking memory space at the moment. Ive added u may of noticed im from UK. Hopefully I will be able to catch u at a suitable time. When its convenient for u. I will periodically check back this site.
    Hi, its okay...are u gonna continue with your shop/giveaway? Would u ever consider doing a giveaway town?! Anyway I was interested in certain Jap items that are: Carp banner, ceramic hot pot, circle banner, flashy flower sign, generals fan, general stool, shogi piece and hinaningyo. What do u think...? Would u wanna trade or be paid?!
    Hi there, are u still trading unorderables? As I was interested in Japanese exclusive items that u have. Such as emperors fan. Im interested in 10 items and looking to deal. Let me know what you think.
    yeah, i see what you mean uvu idm getting villagers either day but there's something about them not being 100% original that has a bit or charm, LIKE MARSHALL WON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU. it's adorable =v=;; "that bell-pincher"
    yeah, i see what you mean uvu idm getting villagers either day but there's something about them not being 100% original that has a bit or charm, LIKE MARSHALL WON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU. it's adorable =v=;; "that bell-pincher"
    Are you still online?
    It would help me immensely if I knew when you will be online so we can sync our timing.
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