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  • Yes! only need 5 minutes to turn on my ds,would you rather open your gates or come to me?
    Ohhh wow that's awesome!
    and true idk why i put DLC haha thank you! ill change it now c:
    hi yuki!! i'd love to take your villager pics! may i please have:

    for 2 baskets of bamboo each?

    also, i'm definitely willing to wait for the other pics! can you really get all the npc ones? that's incredible. i'll give 2 baskets each for those too!
    how did you get filly's r.v if you don't mind me asking? :eek:
    i thought it was a limited time thing
    Hello! I'll catch you later when we can trade! c:

    Also, I would like to drop the 2017 cake as I already got it, so, 15 tbt? ^^
    you are the absolute sweetest! we keep missing each other but thank you so much for holding the curvy fence for me! hopefully i can catch you within the next few hours but if not then don't worry about saving it since i don't want to trouble you!
    Rip 3DS. Care to share what happened? But if not then Sorry that happened to you! Hopefully you get it repaired or maybe just a new 3ds? Who knows what your gonna do xD
    Yee I'm free! :D I'll go get my game. Am I coming to your town or you to mine? I can't remember if I'm cataloging or buying or what. XD
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